This story is wonderful it is one that I can remember as a child so therefore love reading it to Little Boo who to like myself always places her little fingers in the tiny holes. The book is wonderfully illustrated and incorporates learning days of the week, numbers, food names and all importantly the life cycle of a caterpillar, all in one book! The book has 4.24 stars on Goodreads. Here is how we shared the book. A lot of the resources have been found through using the Internet I will be adding on the links (when I can find them as very helpfully I cut off the websites when making the resources)
This is our story sack nice and simple a pillow case with a coat hanger clipped on so it can be stored hung up in the wardrobe. All that I used to get the image on the pillow case was a t-shirt transfer. |
Little Boo was keen to see what was in there. |
First of all a threading exercise whereby the green pipe cleaner is the Caterpillar and the fruit is threaded as he eats it. This is brilliant for counting as me and Little Boo counted on the food for each day. This activity also encouraged Little Boo to look for different foods. |
The caterpillar eating the apple. |
One very greedy caterpillar! |
Counting using pom poms.
Included in the story sack is also the days of the week printed out and there was (until it was returned to the library) a caterpillar life cycle book. After reading the story I read through the days of the week and we talked about what usually happens on those days.
I hope that you like the activities the possibilities are endless with the Hungry Caterpillar and I feel that I will be adding more and more to my story sack as Little Boo develops.
I love this idea! I'm going to put one of these together for my daughter and the children I childmind. I don't suppose you ever did find out/remember which websites you used to make the resources?!