Friday, 15 June 2012

Our first experience with waterbeads!

I have seen these waterbeads being used there are loads of ideas on pinterest and they looked amazing so I thought it was about time we had a go! The beads are advertised as being non toxic (however I still would not advise using them with children who still tend to try and eat things) they are also not harmful to the environment.  The waterbeads shown in the pictures cost me £1.98 as they were 99p for 10g on Amazon.

They come packed and are really small all you need to do is add them to water and watch them grow which is a great experience in itself.  Little Boo kept asking to look at them and was amazed watching them grow. 

Once they had soaked they were massive. Little Boo loved the feel of them and could not wait to get started with them. After a quick look in our up cycling bag I found plenty of interesting containers and items that could be used with the waterbeads.

I filled a small box with the beads to make a water themed play area.  Little Boo enjoyed putting the animals down the slide and the Waterbeads! They are really bouncy so that is also fun as Little Boo went chasing after them.

Filling up containers with the Waterbeads.
These beads are wonderful they feel really nice and have so many different uses.  We will definitely be exploring different ways of using them in  the future. If you have not yet used these then please have a go.


  1. I've not heard of them before. I'm holding a party for seriously ill children and worried about what we can do if it rains, these look great. Would it be possible for a link to the amazon item please, when I search it brings up ones for plants and saying its not a toy, thank you

    1. Really sorry I did not make it clear but these are not classed as a toy they are usually used in plants instead of water many people also use them at weddings in centre pieces as they look nice. I hope that you still feel they will be helpful they are fine for older children who will not be tempted to eat them.


I would be happy to hear any comments