Friday 27 February 2015

Red Nose Day biscuits

Just a short post today to give people an idea of what to sell to raise money for Red Nose Day or bake for fun! After watching bake off this week I was inspired to bake shortbread with little boo. Just like in bake off we made ours into Victoria sponge short bread :) (minus the jam as I forgot to pick it up from the shop) here is the basic idea 

We made 2 shortbread biscuits then sandwiched them together with buttercream and what should of been jam. The idea is the jam comes through the top hole to make the nose however, due to lack of jam we used red icing :) hope you like the idea. 


  1. What alovely idea to make red nose biscuits. They look delicious.

    1. thanks so much for your comment :) we had great fun making them.


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